Monday, March 30, 2015

Isla Mujeres - Salina Chica

Salina Chica is the second largest of the three inland wetland areas on Isla Mujeres. It is fenced off, and can only be reached by a hole in a chainlink fence in the southwest corner. This area is clearly used by some of the local people, so I didn't feel many qualms about popping in to see what was about. My first visit was on a quiet Sunday morning, and my expectations were low.  What I found
felt a little like walking through the wardrobe into Narnia. It was fantastic! First birds up were large numbers of American Coot (250+), Blue-winged Teal, Neotropic Cormorant and Black-necked Stilt. There were herons of several sizes and shades, including Great Blue Heron, Little Blue Heron, Great White Egret, Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron. Closer examination produced several gorgeous White Ibis, a Lesser Scaup amongst the coots, and a Ringed Kingfisher flying across the lake.

Tricolored Heron.
Little Blue Heron, white phase....
..and blue phase.
Neotropic Cormorant.
Lesser Scaup.

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